10 years. It was a struggle. A real painful one. But I never gave up. Here’s a story of how no matter the challenge, i never gave up on Bizkut. I hope with this story i can inspire many of you aspiring business owners.
I took 10 years to finally build up Bizkut. 10 super long years to be what it is today.
But yan? Why did you take 10 years?!
Well let me tell you why...
For so many years, I have kept silent on my cycling tights business. Only those who follows me closely know I’ve been selling these tights since forever. I kept it a hushhush as I actually felt ashamed to be doing this.
But why yan? Why were you ashamed?
Cos I didn’t have much money back then. I had to make a living for myself cos I needed the money to pay for my essentials like education, bills, transport and food. Bizkut was that for me.
I still remember every single dollar earned, i was beyond happy. I was soo grateful that I sujud syukur for every customer i got and i kissed every dollar note i had before i deposited it in my bank. I would travel by mrt and bus all the way to jurong west to deliver just one piece of cycling tights.
That was how money was for me back then. Every bit of rezeki felt godsent.
The challenges i had were one after another.
I had to buy low quantity volume. hence, my suppliers never treated me seriously. I had to change multiple suppliers cos of this.
I still remember not eating much for 2 months after getting scammed of my last $500 in the bank on stocks from Pakistan.
But i never gave up.
But of course, I persevered. I found Google SEO. Created a website from scratch and ranked 2nd in google when people searched for ‘Cycling tights Singapore’.
Then in 2015, another challenge came in the form of Decathlon. I was still paying for my school and in 2017 onwards i only sold 2-3 pcs per month.
In January 2020, I almost gave up. I had $1000 worth of stocks which has been at home since 2018. And i wanted to gave it all up and throw it all in the bin.
But i pushed on with God’s help to be where it is today.
With the support of my family, friends and now a huge customer base, a month ago, yes, in the middle of a pandemic, i finally moved into my office/shop. It is a dream of mine to have my own space.(thank you Rafflesia Travel & Tours Pte. Ltd. for providing me with the space)
All i can say is that those challenges were there to make me better. If i had not been through those challenges, I won’t be as experienced in business, sales and marketing as I am today. I wont be an experienced entrepreneur as well.
Most importantly, to everyone that i know, work hard and never ever give up on your dreams. If there’s barakah in whatever you’re doing, God will show you the way.
Hope you’ve learnt something reading this. :)
More of this story can be found on https://press.carousell.com/2020/12/03/sg-attempt-to-earn-pocket-money-led-to-starting-an-e-commerce-business/